Thursday, May 3, 2007

Join the Campaign

I was sitting in my car the other day in the drive-thru for Chick-fil-A. A part from their delicious chicken, they're about the only place in the restaurant biz that makes a melon-free fruitcup. More reasons to love the place. Lubbock has one free-standing Chick-fil-A in the whole city. That's right, ONE. What that means for the on-the-go lovers of its tasty cuisine is that you probably shouldn't take the drive-thru option if you're really hungry. There is always a line of cars around Chick-fil-A, a long line. From the time you spot it and decide to pull in to the time you actually get your food as much as 20 minutes can elapse. This is fine if you have a good book to occupy you, or knitting or something. However, in a city that is rumored to have the most restaurants per capita in the nation (a fact I've only been able to confirm through local sources), I find this unacceptable. With this much traffic and business assailing one tiny location, why on earth wouldn't they build another one? Or two for that matter! I'm hungry NOW!!! And to quote my dear friend, "All I want is Chick-fil-A!"

So, I'm starting a campaign. The Hungry NOW Campaign. Do not be confused. This is not a movement motivated by charitable endeavors. The sole purpose of this campaign is to help the harrassed, time-pressured, Type-A personality people who don't have twenty minutes to spend waiting for those "two crucial pickles". Join me in responding to the "Eat More Chikin'" campaign with a campaign that declares "Build More Chick-fil-A's So I Can!" Join the campaign for people in their cars who are Hungry NOW!

More information at, banners, bumperstickers, mugs, canvass tote-bags, onesies and trashy underwear.

Campain Slogans on all items:
hungryNOW! (front)
All I Want is Chick-fil-A! (back)

If you can't decide what you want . . . (front)
. . . drive away!
Demand more Chick-fil-A! (back)

Warning for those with food allergies: (front)
I'm soaked in peanut oil (back)

The Hub City-More Conservatives Per Capita (front)
One more restaurant closed on Sundays
The Hungry NOW Campaign (back)