Friday, November 9, 2007

Tender Moments from the Toilet

"This one is big, Miss Lisa."

*This series has been canceled.


Anonymous said...

My favorite "toilet moment" (in no way was it tender) was: "Miss Foreman help!" That can never be good ... and it wasn't.

Sorry the series is no longer going to be around. I love you anyway Miss Lisa.

Lisa said...

Well, after a moment such as that, I figure the reason for the cancellation was pretty overt in said moment.

Su said...

Geez, like everything else, cancelled just as it was getting good!

Lisa said...

I was hoping for something along the lines of "From the mouth of babes" . . . but, you know, on the toilet. There's not much for a child to say when he needs you to wipe his backsidenm, but "I love you" and occasionally share with you the size of the deposit.

Anonymous said...

One of the truly questionable joys of motherhood is getting to share in the whole potty experience of each child for years.

First, there are diapers...where you examine every aspect of the deposit looking for signs showing their health or lack thereof...also for small coins, legos, or any other small object you PRAY goes all the way through your child's beautifully designed system.

Then you have potty training days (continuing examination required) where you are the one in training. You study facial expressions hoping to recognize the one that means..RUN NOW!!! We read tons of books while sitting on the potty waiting for some sort of "deposit"...guess I established that as the Library early in my sons' lives...I'll apologize to their wives someday.

Then as their fledgling independence grows, you only get called in on the messy events. Pure joy and delight there....

Now my boys are "grown" and wouldn't dream of discussing that sort of thing with me...but I still have Rach and she will discuss consistency every now and then.

I'm hoping for a day when potty contents are not on my agenda!!! Can we cancel MY series???....but I guess that' my own fault for having kids!! :-D hahaha

Lisa said...

Were ever able to determine when your kids had grape KoolAid? There are very tell-tale signs, and I don't mean the purple mustache. It's like that Scrubs episode that was a musical. "Everything comes down to poo," says JD in response to his patient questioning the need for her to give a stool sample if they think she's just a nut. "Because the answer is not in your head, it's in your butt." Check the poo!

If it's any consolation, I still have my, erm, duties for a couple of years. It will be going on . . . just not on my blog. Unless of course something interesting happens. :)

Anonymous said...

It all comes down to funny!! Keep us up to date if your "doo-dies" include any more sweet potty talk ;-)

Sarah said...

Just when Tender Moments was getting good. Maybe Showtime will pick it up. That was my hope for Arrested Development. Such a let down!

Paige, you make me laugh out loud!!!! Thank God you are back in my life!!!!

Su said...

For some reason, while my grandfather was in hospital, my mother felt compelled to discuss every detail of every bowel movement with me. I told her, "Mum, I'm concerned that you know that much about Grandpa's poo, and I certainly don't want to know!" But she was undeterred. Now, of course, his bowels are noboby's business. Unless we still have to use the loo in heaven.

Anonymous said...

Does it count if my dad always tells people that he should have "flushed" me when I was born? "He was no bigger than a good-sized _ _ _ _." (He didn't use the word "deposit" either.)