Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Writer's block, a Cookie Crisp shortage, & other ires of my existence

I've been having all sorts of epiphanies lately. They've been so staggering that just when I wrap my brain around one, another comes along and flattens me . . . like being struck by the epiphany Mack truck. I wish to expound on these thoughts with you, but my head is so overwhelmed that I can only sit and stare blankly at an even blanker screen or page. Not to worry, though, I'm slowly unraveling them. Rest assured (or be afraid), you'll be sharing in them soon. Needless to say, writer's block, or in this case suffering from mental constipation (you heard me), is the pits. WAH!

There is currently a Cookie Crisp shortage in Lubbock. Upon hearing the threat of heavy snow, some genius or moron went to the new Target and bought up every last box of Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp!!! ARRRGH!!! If you've never tried Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp, you are missing manna from heaven in your life. It is truly a divine cereal experience. It apparently is so rare, though, that I don't recommend you trying it because you won't be able to find it anymore once you're hooked. I've checked WalMart, I've visited a couple Uniteds. It is no where to be found, but by golly, there is plenty of Double Chocolate Cookie Crisp! I settled on ordinary Cookie Crisp because I was so determined to leave the store with a box of sugary cereal, but I'm incensed. There is no substitute. When you want what you want, it is all you want.

It wasn't very nice of Fox to air 4 hours of "24" over two nights and then expect us to subsist on a single episode a week, particularly after I've been OD'ing on the DVD's for the past 6 months. I watched it last night, completely engrossed by the new twists and connections I've made to previous storylines. (Fear not, Sarah, no spoilers here!) Then it was over. I have to wait a whole week to know what will befall Jack in the next hour of his saga. It's a cruel world. By the way, if anyone comments on "24" here and spoils it for Sarah, who is downloading the episodes as they become available, I will go Jack Bauer on you . . . pain, lots of pain!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm suffering a similar cereal scare... Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch. It's not like regular grape nuts, which tastes like gravel. This stuff is *amazing* and I've been buying it in bulk (taking note of expiration dates) for several months.

Now I'm out.

I can't find it anywhere around here. And life ain't pretty. So today I picked up some Cascadian Farm Oats and Honey Granola to try. But when it comes to granola... Bear Naked makes the best! Again... not avialable in my area.

I'm in cereal hell.

Regarding 24... I'm not watching this season (it hurts to say that) so I can watch it all on DVD. I watch it while I'm exercising, which has proven great in upping my stamina and adrenaline! But you know I did sneak a peak at the season 6 premeire. Temptation. I couldn't help myself!

Sarah said...

And I will go Jack Bauer as well!!! I was told about Curtis before I had even watched the first episode. I have been seeing posters for 24 here in London. One has Jack blindfolded by an American flag and says "Jack's country needs him to die." I pointed it out to Stuart, who is not easily impressed and he said "Does he have a fake tan?" Oh, those who have no idea what they're missing out on!!!! Jack Bauer can kick some serious terriorist booty!!! And have the people who work with him learned nothing? You should ALWAYS trust Jack!!!!!

Lisa said...

Well, I went back to Target to see if the Cookie Crisp had been restocked. It had not been within the cereal section, but I did find it . . . on a shelf marked "CLEARANCE" at the end of one of the aisles. I can only assume it means that it's been discontinued and will no longer be available. So I bought 4 boxes of it. I may go back and get the rest today. It's a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Lisa.

flee said...

The other day i had spent all this time writing this awesome long comment to you and then i had to sign in or something and lost it all. Anyway....i can't even remember what all it was, but anyway...i've been checking your blog....so glad you found your cereal...i know how it is...i am addicted to Kashi Go Lean Crunch and Cinnamon Life. Hope life is good for you there on the plains! Much love to you Lisa! Flee

Lisa said...

That's happened to me a few times, Flee. Some of my better work lost in cyberspace. I wonder if cyberspace is like the environment. You know how they say that butterfly wings cause hurricanes elsewhere, or something? Do ripples in cyberspace cause major system crashes somewhere else? Whoever the heck "they" are . . .

I'm glad you stop by. Always good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain as well! Cap'n Crunch's Peanut Butter Crunch is an OK substitute when you're in a pinch.